RDtool - RD formatter

What's RD?

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RD is Ruby's POD. RDtool is formatter for RD.

RD is multipurpose documentation format created for documentating Ruby and output of Ruby world. You can embed RD into Ruby script. And RD have neat syntax which help you to read document in Ruby script. On the other hand, RD have a feature for class reference.


Stable: Gem and tar.gz is available:


If you use gem, simply

% gem install rdtool

If you don't use gem, download .tar.gz and

% tar xvzf rdtool-(version).tar.gz
% cd rdtool-(version)
% ruby setup.rb    # or sudo ruby setup.rb



GPL-2+ or Ruby's.

Files: */
  * Copyright: 2004 MoonWolf <moonwolf AT moonwolf.com>
               2011-2012 Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org>
  * License: Ruby's License or GPL-2+
Files: lib/rd/rd2man-lib.rb
  * Copyright: 2000  WATANABE Hirofumi
               2012 Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org>
  * License: Ruby's License or GPL-2+
Files: lib/rd/{head-filter,rd2html-ext-lib,rd2html-ext-opt}.rb
  * Copyright: 2003 Rubikitch
  * License: Ruby's License or GPL-2+
Files: bin/rdswap
  * Copyright: 1999 C.Hintze
  * License: Ruby's License or GPL-2+
Files: setup.rb
  * Copyright: 2000-2006 Minero Aoki
  * License: LGPL-2.1
Files: utils/rd-mode.el
  * Copyright: 1999 Koji Arai, Toshiro Kuwabara.
  * License: GPL-2+


If you find bugs, comments, … Please report github issues
