FSMRMP - Patched Font: 'Fantasque Sans Mono' + 'Rounded Mgen+'


Fantasque Sans Mono is a monospace font with a distinct slightly cursive look. The fonts "FSMRMP" (wanted! awesome fontname) is based on Fantasque Sans Mono, and add glpyhs for Japanese from Rounded Mgen plus, and patched icon fonts into Private Use Area.



  • make
  • python3:
  • python3-concurrent: for parallel builds
  • python3-fontforge
  • unar: expand donwload files

Ubuntu 19.04, Debian (>= 10.0)

sudo apt install make wget unar python3 python3-concurrent.futures python3-fontforge

check dists directory.

Font sources

Note: All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners and should only be used to represent the company or product to which they refer.

Base fonts:

Name Version License
Fantasque Sans Mono 11 SIL OFL v1.1
Rounded Mgen plus 20150602 SIL OFL v1.1
twemoji color font v12.0.1 CC BY-4.0

Icon fontset: @see isfit+


Original build scripts provided by SFMono Square - patched font: SFMono + Migu 1M + Nerd Fonts. Thanks to great scripts!