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Shin-ichi Takehiro,
Youhei Sasaki,
Keiichi Ishioka,
Takeshi Enomoto,
Kensuke Nakajima,
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi,
Asymptotic profiles of mean zonal flows generated by thermal convection of Boussinesq fluid in a rapidly rotating thin spherical shell,
Icarus, 420, 116154. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116154
Takashi Nakagawa,
Shin‐ichi Takehiro,
Youhei Sasaki,
Assessment of a Stable Region of Earth's Core Requiring Magnetic Field Generation over Four Billion Years,
Core‐Mantle Co‐Evolution, 145. doi:10.1002/9781119526919.ch9
Takehiro, S.-I.,
Sasaki, Y.,
On destruction of a thermally stable layer by compositional convection in the earth’s outer core,
Frontiers in Earth Science, 6. doi:10.3389/feart.2018.00192
Sasaki, Y.,
Takehiro, S.-I.,
Ishiwatari, M.,
Yamada, M.,
Effects of radial distribution of entropy diffusivity on critical modes of anelastic thermal convection in rotating spherical shells,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 276, 36. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.09.003
Takehiro, S.-I.,
Sasaki, Y.,
Penetration of steady fluid motions into an outer stable layer excited by MHD thermal convection in rotating spherical shells,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 276, 258. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.03.001
Matsui, H.,
Heien, E.,
Aubert, J.,
Aurnou, J.M.,
Avery, M.,
Brown, B.,
Buffett, B.A.,
Busse, F.,
Christensen, U.R.,
Davies, C.J.,
Featherstone, N.,
Gastine, T.,
Glatzmaier, G.A.,
Gubbins, D.,
Guermond, J.-L.,
Hayashi, Y.-Y.,
Hollerbach, R.,
Hwang, L.J.,
Jackson, A.,
Jones, C.A.,
Jiang, W.,
Kellogg, L.H.,
Kuang, W.,
eau, M.,
Marti, P.,
Olson, P.,
Ribeiro, A.,
Sasaki, Y.,
Schaeffer, N.,
Simitev, R.D.,
Sheyko, A.,
Silva, L.,
Stanley, S.,
Takahashi, F.,
Takehiro, S.-I.,
Wicht, J.,
Willis, A.P.,
Performance benchmarks for a next generation numerical dynamo model,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 1586. doi:10.1002/2015GC006159
Marti, P.,
Schaeffer, N.,
Hollerbach, R.,
Cébron, D.,
Nore, C.,
Luddens, F.,
Guermond, J.-L.,
Aubert, J.,
Takehiro, S.,
Sasaki, Y.,
Hayashi, Y.-Y.,
Simitev, R.,
Busse, F.,
Vantieghem, S.,
Jackson, A.,
Full sphere hydrodynamic and dynamo benchmarks,
Geophysical Journal International, 197, 119. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt518
Youhei Sasaki,
Shin-ichi Takehiro,
Seiya Nishizawa,
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi,
Effects of latitudinally heterogeneous buoyancy flux conditions at the inner core boundary of an MHD dynamo in a rotating spherical shell,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 223, 55. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2013.07.003
Jackson, A.,
Sheyko, A.,
Marti, P.,
Tilgner, A.,
Cébron, D.,
Vantieghem, S.,
Simitev, R.,
Busse, F.,
Zhan, X.,
Schubert, G.,
Takehiro, S.,
Sasaki, Y.,
Hayashi, Y.-Y.,
Ribeiro, A.,
Nore, C.,
Guermond, J.-L.,
A spherical shell numerical dynamo benchmark with pseudo-vacuum magnetic boundary conditions,
Geophysical Journal International, 196, 712. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt425
Shin-ichi Takehiro,
Youhei Sasaki,
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi,
Michio Yamada,
Differential Rotation and Angular Momentum Transport Caused by Thermal Convection in a Rotating Spherical Shell,
Takehiro, S,
Takahashi, Y.O,
Sugiyama, K,
Odaka, M,
Ishiwatari, M,
Sasaki, Y,
Ishioka, K,
Nishizawa, S,
Nakajima, K,
Hayashi, Y,
Construction of Hierarchical Models for the Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences: DCMODEL project.,
Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology, JSST 2012, 301.
Sasaki Youhei,
Takehiro Shin-ichi,
Nakajima Kensuke,
Hayashi Yoshi-Yuki,
Surface zonal flow induced by turbulent convection in rapidly rotating spherical shells,
Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology, JSST 2012, 307.
M. Ishiwatari,
E. Toyoda,
Y. Morikawa,
S. Takehiro,
Y. Sasaki,
S. Nishizawa,
M. Odaka,
N. Otobe,
Y. O. Takahashi,
K. Nakajima,
T. Horinouchi,
M. Shiotani,
Y.-Y. Hayashi,
Gtool development group,
"Gtool5": a Fortran90 library of input/output interfaces for self-descriptive multi-dimensional numerical data,
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 449. doi:10.5194/gmd-5-449-2012
Youhei Sasaki,
Shin-ichi Takehiro,
Kiyoshi Kuramoto,
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi,
Weak-field dynamo emerging in a rotating spherical shell with stress-free top and no-slip bottom boundaries,
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 188, 203. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2011.06.019
Takehiro, S,
Sasaki, Y,
Ishioka, K,
Disappearance of Surface Banded Structure Produced by Thermal Convection in a Rapidly Rotating Thin Spherical Shell,
Annual report of the earth simulator, 2014, 125.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y,Ishioka, K,Enomoto, T,Nakajima, K,Hayashi, Y:Zonal Banded Jets Generated by Thermal Convection in Rapidly Rotating Spherical Shells, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP), 2022/10/12.
Nakagawa, T,Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y:A constraint to thermal conductivity of Earth's core and CMB heat flow by assessment on a stable region of Earth's core, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2021, 2021/06/04.
Nakagawa, T,Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y:A constraint to thermal conductivity of Earth's core and CMB heat flow by assessment on a stable region of Earth's core, EGU Genral Assembly 2021, 2021/04/26.
Nakagawa, T,Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S:On formation of a stably stratified layer below the core-mantle boundary region: evaluating with a 1D thermal and chemical evolution model, The 16th symposium of SEDI,Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2018/07/08.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S:On penetration of compositional convection into a thermally stable stratified layer in the outer core of the Earth, Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and MantleToward Integrated Deep Earth ScienceInternational Symposium and Annual General Meeting, 2018/03/26.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y,Ishioka, K,Nakajima, K,Ishiwatari, M,Hayashi, Y:Disappearance of surface banded structure produced by thermal convection in a rapidly rotating thin spherical shell, The 49th Annual Divison for Planetary Sciences Meeting., 2017/10/15.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Ishiwatari, M,Yamada, M:Rapidly rotating two-dimensional annulus model for anelastic critical thermal convection with tilting boundaries and radially varying entropy diffusivity, Compressible Convection Conference, 2017/09/18.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Ishiwatari, M,Yamada, M:Effects of radial distribution of entropy diffusivity on critical modes of anelastic thermal convection in rotating spherical shells (numerical analysis), Compressible Convection Conference, 2017/09/18.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y:Erosion of a thermally induced stably stratified layer by compositional convection in the Earth's outer core, AOGS 2017, 2017/08/06.
Shin-ichi Takehiro,Youhei Sasaki:Erosion of a thermally induced stably stratified layer by compositional convection in the Earth's outer core, IAG-IASPEI 2017, 2017/08/03.
Takehiro S,Takahashi, Y. O,Sugiyama, K,Odaka, M,Ishiwatari, M,Horinouchi, T,Sasaki, Y,Ishioka, K,Nakajima, K,Hayashi, Y:GFD-Dennou Club DCMODEL project, WTK Aquaplanet Workshop, 2017/01/24.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y,Ishioka, K,Nakajima, K,Hayashi, Y:Mean zonal flows induced by Boussinesq thermal convection in rotating spherical shells as an application to the gas giant planets, WTK Aquaplanet Workshop, 2017/01/21.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Ishiwatari, M,Yamada, M:Critical mode of anelastic thermal convection in a rotating spherical shell depends on radial distribution of thermal diffusivity, The 15th symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2016/07/24.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y:Penetration of mean zonal flows into an outer stable layer excited by MHD thermal convection in rotating spherical shells, The 15th symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2016/07/24.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S:Penetration of magneto-hydrodynamic disturbances into a strongly stable outer layer caused by MHD dynamo in a rotating spherical shell, Japan SEDI symposium 2015, 2015/09/25.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S:Penetration of magneto-hydrodynamic disturbances into an outer strongly stable layer caused by MHD dynamo in a rotating spherical shell, The 14th symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2014/08/07.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y,Takahashi, Y. O,Nakajima, K,Hayashi, Y.-Y,Kuramoto, K:Diversity of atmospheric circulations of sycronized rotating Jovian type planets., 5th Subaru International Conference: Exoplanets and Disks:Their Formation and Diversity II, 2013/12/08.
Takehiro, S,Sasaki, Y,Hayashi, Y.-Y,Yamada, M:Differential rotation and angular momentum transport caused by thermal convection in rotating spherical shells, Mathematical analysis of magneto-hydrodynamical processes in stars, 2013/09/26.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Kuramoto, K,Hayashi, Y:Weak-field dynamo emerging in a rotating spherical shell with stress-free top and no-slip bottom boundaries, Mathematical analysis of magneto-hydrodynamical processes in stars, 2013/09/26.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Nishizawa, S,Nakajima, K,Hayashi Y.-Y:Effects of latitudinally heterogeneous buoyancy flux conditions at the inner boundary on MHD dynamos in a rotating spherical shell, The 13th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2012/07/01.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Nakajima, K,Hayashi Y.-Y:Development of an anelastic convection model in rotating spherical shells for stars, gas and icy giant planets, The 13th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, 2012/07/01.
Sasaki, Y,Takehiro, S,Kuramoto, K,Hayashi, Y:Weak-field dynamo emerging in a rotating spherical shell with stress-free top and no-slip bottom boundaries, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, 2011/12/05.
佐々木洋平,竹広真一,石岡圭一,榎本剛,中島健介,林 祥介:Generation and disappearance of surface banded structure produced by thermal convection in a rapidly rotating thin sherical shell, 第1回 惑星深部理論研究会, 2021/03/11.
竹広真一,佐々木洋平:Light element distribution in the outer core induced by heterogeneous growth of the inner core of the Earth, 第1回 惑星深部理論研究会, 2021/03/11.
Takehiro. S,Sasaki, Y:Reconsideration on penetration of compositional convection into an upper stably stratified layer in the outer core of the Earth, 新学術領域「核ーマントルの相互作用と共進化」成果報告会, 2017/03/26.